Organizational Development + Governance

Get a Complete Organizational Roadmap

In our communities we so often get exhausted surviving and navigating through our days, there is often no time to waste. You need a big picture — a vision and strategy for the future. But it can be difficult for busy leaders to focus on strategies when overwhelmed by the immediate demands of running an organization and living in a minefield. We spend most of our time down in the trenches and on the front lines, rather than surveying the horizon and making plans to strategically make sustainable impact and systematic change.

  • Organization Turnarounds

  • Organization Structuring + Restructuring

  • Organization Process Development + Workflow alignment

  • Agile Integration + Change Management

  • Data Design + Operation Mapping

  • Digital Transformation + Integration

Planning + Pipeline Development

Confidently prepare with the tools you need.

  • Board + hybrid strategy

  • Comprehensive resource analysis + fundraising assessment

  • Revenue diversification + fundraising planning

  • Prospect identification, qualification, + research

  • Investor + donor + stakeholder cultivation + solicitation strategies

  • Impact investing opportunities positioning for philanthropic + investment communities

  • Stakeholder mapping