We are a group of seasoned multicultural womxn that created an advisory practice and grew that practice into an organization that has transformed some of the most oppressive establishments around the world and won. That taught us a few things:


our Intersectional Identities Are our Superpower

Our coalition doesn't look, sound, or move like your typical advisory or consultancy firm, and we're pretty proud of that. Our team members have had to work hard to get to “the starting line” & that gives us multiple perspectives relying on a global worldview, lived experience, and theory. We think differently. We work differently.

WE Know our strengthS.

Our team is close. We know each other's strengths and the best way to execute. Each and every client means the world to us and that's how it should be.


How we treat ourselves,people, &our Earth matters

We can't control society, but we can control our clients' experience. We are committed to providing excellent service to the people who have entrusted us with the important job of creating value in the world for generations to come. This philosophy also extends to our team members.